Wednesday, November 25, 2015

2015 Avengers Super Heroes Half Marathon Race

So I went and accomplish on something that I never done in my life. And its completing a Marathon Race. With no training involved and just did for fun. I have to say it was fun and amazing to finish it. I got the chance to do it with my cousin and his friends that are from Vegas and we got to do the Infinity Gauntlet Challenge. That is a 10K race on saturday and Half Marathon on Sunday. A total of 19.3 miles all together. At first I thought it was going to scary but it wasn't bad at all. 

They had picture taking with the Avengers Cosplayers in the Disney Park. Gave us lots of water and gatorade for refreshments and just seeing all the views in downtown, the streets, going to Angel Stadium. going thru tunnels and all the other passage to make the marathon memorable. 

We got to received two medals and with additional infinity medal since we did both races. I have to admit. It was worth it and the medals are bad ass. I can't wait to do many more races in the future 

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