Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Back to the Future ! Delorean???

I got the chance to go to an amazing art gallery show that was taken place in West Hollywood and it had some great art work from different artist that drew and designs arts from my favorite movie: Back to the Future. They had free cocktails and served some free food as well..even though I missed out of that. I had a great time taking pictures and dressing up on that occasion. Got to put on my most expensive shoe : Nike Air Mags. Yes its the real ones and not the knock off and replicas.

Got to see some cool art and got the chance to sit in the delorean car that was featured outside of the store. Super fun and Got to take lots of picture of course. Cant wait for August 21 2015..thats when the next Nike Air Mags shoes will come out with power laces and of course the special edition dvd blu ray as well

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